
Jesus loves me!

We are like Christ

As the Spirit of the Lord works within us,
we become more and more like Him,
and reflect His glory even more.
2 Corinthians 3:18b

Living Water

Jesus said:
'Whoever drinks this water will be thirsty again,
but whoever drinks the water that I will give him
will never be thirsty again.
The water that I will give him will become
in him a spring which will provide him with
life-giving water and give him eternal life.
John 4:13-14

A retreat, a time to meditate

Lent is those fourty days before Easter when we take our soul to a retreat.
To retreat is to stand back, reflect on our lives, to ask:
What have I been doing with my life?
What has God been teaching me?
Where have I succeeded in living God's way?
Where have I failed?
What do I need to confess to God, or to change?
Joyce Hugget.

The good thing about all this is that God is faithfull. He is slow to anger and does not keep a record of all the wrong we do. And for that, I just want to THANK YOU, LORD:

Thank you for loving me,
Thank you for protecting me,
Thank you for forgiving me,
Thank you for having faith in me,
Thank you for the hope I have in you,
Thank you for making me,
Thank you for Your Son, Jesus
Thank you for being You.
Thank you for your everlasting presence.
by Pauline Okposi.

A time for new beginnings

'Lent is a time for new beginnings which start with repentance.
True rrepentance is an active, positive attitude which effects real and deep changes.
Repentence involves recognizing the wrong, and, where possible, putting it right'.

'Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is near.'
Matthew 3:2

Repentance means to face up honestly to the past and to turn from it...
The Biblical meaning of repentance is ...turns from sin, selfishness, darkness, idols, habits, bondages and demons both private and public.
Joyce Hugget.

'We turn from all that binds and oppresses us and others, from all the violence and evil in which we are so complicit, from all the false worship that ha controlled us. Ultimately, repentance is turning from the powers of death. These ominous forces no longer hold us ransom in their grip; they no longer have the last word.'
Jim Wallis

Repentance and receiving God's forgiveness go hand in hand.
'If we confess our sins to God, he will keep his promise,
He will forgive us our sins and
purify us from all our wrongdoing.'
1 John 1:9
When we have confessed we must move on to receive and embrace God's forgiveness and love. To fail to do so implies that we give greater importance to our sinful self than to God's goodness.
We must learn to accept that God's goodness is greater than our badness;
that there is joy in God's heart in extending to us the forgiving love which sets us free from past sin.
So we must refuse to hold on to our sense of guilt and accept the healing that comes from Him.
ref: Joyce Hugget.

Ash Wednesday: Spring- clean your soul

The original meaning of Lent was 'holy spring'. Traditionally during Lent, Christians prepared themselves for Easter by asking God to show them their failures and by repenting of their wrong-doings.

New Christians would prepare for baptism usually on Easter Sunday. What a marvelous time. A time when you are like an open book with all the old words deleted and waiting for a new chapter to begin with God guiding your writing!

Lent, therefore, is a time for preparation. A time for spiritual spring-cleaning. An opportunity to deal with evil once and for all. Fullstop.
Lent is a time to turn back to God:

'Come back to the Lord your God. He is kind and full of mercy;
He is patient and keeps His promise;
He is always ready to forgive and not punish.'
Joel 2: 13
And it all begins on Ash Wednesday. Christians go to church where a prayer long session takes place at the end of which they have a cross painted on their foreheads as a symbol of this solemn time. All praise to God who gave His only begotten Son to die for our sins.


Lent is that fourty day period before Easter when Christians spend a lot of time reflecting on their lives and making an effort to make ammends. It is also a time to fast for those who can. Catholics have the tradition of not eating meat on Fridays as a symbol of respect for the body of Christ.

a period of
prayer and fasting.
Of laying bare
all those secrets,
big or small,
before the Lord.
a time of
real reflection
what have I been doing,
what should I have done,
what will I do,
that is different,
and rewarding
and enriching?
a time of
who has wronged me,
who has let me down,
who has insulted me,
who has ignored me,
I forgive them all,
and many more
Just as Jesus did.
a time of
who have I wronged,
have I been living
according to His commandments,
If not, where have I failed,
how can I make ammends.
a moment of
Pleasure in knowing,
that He died for me,
and I am here for Him.
He carried His cross,
I will carry mine.
by Pauline Okposi.

My favourite Christmas Carols


O holy night, the stars are brightly shining;
It is the night of the dear Savior’s birth!
Long lay the world in sin and error pining,
Till He appeared and the soul felt its worth.
A thrill of hope, the weary soul rejoices,
For yonder breaks a new and glorious morn.
Fall on your knees, O hear the angel voices!
O night divine, O night when Christ was born!
O night, O holy night, O night divine!

Led by the light of faith serenely beaming,
With glowing hearts by His cradle we stand.
So led by light of a star sweetly gleaming,
Here came the wise men from Orient land.
The King of kings lay thus in lowly manger,
In all our trials born to be our Friend!
He knows our need—to our weakness is no stranger.
Behold your King; before Him lowly bend!
Behold your King; before Him lowly bend!

Truly He taught us to love one another;
His law is love and His Gospel is peace.
Chains shall He break for the slave is our brother
And in His Name all oppression shall cease.
Sweet hymns of joy in grateful chorus raise we,
Let all within us praise His holy Name!
Christ is the Lord! O praise His name forever!
His pow’r and glory evermore proclaim!
His pow’r and glory evermore proclaim

We Three Kings of Orient Are

We three kings of Orient are
Bearing gifts we traverse afar.
Field and fountain, moor and mountain,
Following yonder star.


O star of wonder, star of night,
Star with royal beauty bright,
Westward leading, still proceeding,
Guide us to thy perfect Light.

Born a king on Bethlehem's plain,
Gold I bring to crown Him again,
King forever, ceasing never
Over us all to reign.


Frankincense to offer have I.
Incense owns a Deity nigh.
Prayer and praising all men raising,
Worship Him, God on high.


Myrrh is mine: Its bitter perfume
Breaths a life of gathering gloom.
Sorrowing, sighing, bleeding dying,
Sealed in the stone-cold tomb.


Glorious now behold Him arise,
King and God and Sacrifice.
Alleluia, alleluia!
Sounds through the earth and skies.


The Bethlehem Story

Good morning! I wanted to tell the story of the birth of Jesus in a unique way and luckily I came across this version by M.O.Quick. I have modified it a little. So here is the Christmas Story...

Along the road to Bethlehem
Joseph and Mary went;
If they could find a lodging there
They would be well content.

The Christmas Story

But when they came to Bethlehem,
So many folk were there;
The inn was full, there was no room,
Save in the stable bare.

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The Christmas Story

Yellow straw to lie upon,
Beasts for company,
The manger for a baby's bed,
Was all that they could see.

But in the night at Bethlehem
God came Himself to earth
As Mary's little baby Son,
It was a joyful birth!

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The Christmas Story

Mary wrapped her little Son
In swaddling bands so tight
And laid Him in the manger
With straw for pillow white.
Out in the fields of Bethlehem
The shepherds watched their sheep,
Sitting awake outside the fold;
Their sheep lay fast asleep.

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The Christmas Story

When suddenly a light shone down
From the dark winter sky,
And choirs of angels sang with joy
"Glory to GOD on high!"
Near them stood great Gabriel:
"Fear not," they heard him say,
"I bring you tidings of great joy:
A Babe is born this day!"

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The Christmas Story

Then three kings
bearing gifts and having travelled so far,
through fields and fountains,
moulds and mountains,
following thy yonder star...

Oh Oh,
Star of wonder, star of light
Star with Royal beauty pride,
Westwards leading,
Still proceeding, guide them to thy perfect Light.

"Gold I bring to crown Him again,
incense ounce a deity night,
Prayer and praises, all men rising,
Worship Him God most High!

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The Christmas Story

"In David's town of Bethlehem
He lies in a manger stall,
The Saviour who is Christ the Lord.
The King and Lord of all."

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The Christmas Story

The shepherds ran to Bethlehem;
They found the stable bare;
They saw the Babe in a manger stall
And knelt and worshipped there.

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The Christmas Story

Then joyfully they went away
And spread the news abroad
How God had sent His Son to be
Our Saviour and Our Lord.

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The Christmas Story

Merry Christmas!

Angels watching over us...

The three angels, Mary and baby Jesus..

What a heart-warming, marvelous sight.

This picture is full of peace, hope,

comfort and good cheer.

Our Saviour was born on Christmas Day,

A long time ago in Bethlehem.

Thank you God for the gift of Your Son,

Our Lord and Saviour,

Jesus Christ.
From whom all good things come.

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The Wider View

Good morning! I woke up today and was admiring the trees in their natural beauty, their leaves fallen so that they can take a rest in the winter. What a marvelous sight! In a wide expanse of land with little shrubberies, and houses, though beautiful, blocking the view, it is easy to miss a flower or two; Especially when one gets lost in thoughts so unavoidable. That is when this verse struck home and I just wanted to share it with you. Enjoy...
Do not fix your gaze
upon the things that worry you.
Lift your eyes and let them
rest upon the wider view.
Difficulties loom so large
when looked at constantly-
filling up the foreground of your life
till you can see nothing
but these mountains growing
bigger day by day.
Solid they appear,
but you can make them melt away.
Do not let the mountains
overwhelm you with their size.
You will find they're only shadows
if you let your eyes - range beyond
the trials and tribulations that annoy,
seeing only that which makes for hope
and faith and joy....
Look beyond the pretty things
that vex and trouble you.
Have a brighter,
Take the wider view.
From The Joy of Life
by Patience Strong.
And this verse from the Bible felt so appropriate:
As for me, I was like a canal from a river,
like a water channel into a garden,
I said, "I will water my garden and drench my flower beds."
And lo, my canal became a river,
and my river a sea.
I will again make instruction shine forth
like the dawn,
and I will make it clear from far away.
I will again pour out teaching like prophecy,
and leave it to all future generations.
Ecclesiasticus 24:30-33
Be Blessed on this second Sunday of Advent.

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Wondering how a name can shrink? Read on...

Her mother named her 'Mary', that good
old-fashioned name,
And all through school she wore it, contented
with the same;
But when she'd finished learning, and left
the school behind,
She dropped the 'r' and 'May' became her name
-'twas so much more refined.
She's married now and off the hands
of her enduring pa,
Still more her name has been reduced -
her youngest calls her 'Ma'.
'A Mother holds you by the heart...'
By Beryl Peters.
The joy of motherhood! Ever wondered how this love-filled name we give to our maternal female parent has undergone metamorphosis? Okay, some of us start with 'mother', then 'mummy', then 'mama', then 'mum' and possibly 'ma'. I am sure the list is endless!
Whichever version you choose, mothers are special - no changes permitted in this statement please.
Mothers are peacemakers too! Talking of peace - here is a peace prayer that I particularly love. Hope it inspires you as it does me:
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace,
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is wrong, forgiveness;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is discord, union;
where there is error, truth;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.
O divine master, grant that I may not so much
seek to be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive.
It is in forgiving that one is forgiven,
And it is by dying that we are born to eternal life.
St. Francis of Assisi, 1181-1226.
Have a great day!

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A Mother...more precious than diamonds

To all mothers and mothers-to-be, this is for you.

Mother's Timetable
On Monday,
wash your heart and rinse your cares away,
On Tuesday,
iron out harsh thoughts, till they are smooth and light-hearted,
On Wednesday,
dust tired thoughts, and polish up your smiles,
On Thursday,
sort out kindly deeds and place them in neat piles,
On Friday,
think of friends and pleasant things to do,
On Saturday,
clear up your cares, and mend up moods of blue,
On Sunday,
look around and see what you have done,
And pray the week has been well spent, and another well begun.
Words for mothers from the 19th and 20th centuries
Collected by Beryl Peters.

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