The Wider View

Good morning! I woke up today and was admiring the trees in their natural beauty, their leaves fallen so that they can take a rest in the winter. What a marvelous sight! In a wide expanse of land with little shrubberies, and houses, though beautiful, blocking the view, it is easy to miss a flower or two; Especially when one gets lost in thoughts so unavoidable. That is when this verse struck home and I just wanted to share it with you. Enjoy...
Do not fix your gaze
upon the things that worry you.
Lift your eyes and let them
rest upon the wider view.
Difficulties loom so large
when looked at constantly-
filling up the foreground of your life
till you can see nothing
but these mountains growing
bigger day by day.
Solid they appear,
but you can make them melt away.
Do not let the mountains
overwhelm you with their size.
You will find they're only shadows
if you let your eyes - range beyond
the trials and tribulations that annoy,
seeing only that which makes for hope
and faith and joy....
Look beyond the pretty things
that vex and trouble you.
Have a brighter,
Take the wider view.
From The Joy of Life
by Patience Strong.
And this verse from the Bible felt so appropriate:
As for me, I was like a canal from a river,
like a water channel into a garden,
I said, "I will water my garden and drench my flower beds."
And lo, my canal became a river,
and my river a sea.
I will again make instruction shine forth
like the dawn,
and I will make it clear from far away.
I will again pour out teaching like prophecy,
and leave it to all future generations.
Ecclesiasticus 24:30-33
Be Blessed on this second Sunday of Advent.

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